Audit Report Status

Reminder of the Member State Authority (MSA)

Obligations related to Audit Report Staus
(Excerpt of ERCA Policy v.2.1)

- The MSA audit shall establish whether the Requirements of this Section are being maintained.

5.3.44 - The MSA shall perform the first Audit within 12 months of the start of the operations covered by the approved policy.

When an Audit finds no evidence of non-conformity, the next Audit may be performed within 24 months.

When an Audit finds evidence of non-conformity, the next Audit shall be peformed within 12 months.

5.3.45 - The MSA shall report the results of the audit as mentioned in 5.3.43 and provide the audit report, in English, to the ERCA.

5.3.46 - The audit report shall define any corrective actions, including an implementtation schedule, required to fulfill the MSA obligations.

* The start of the audit period corresponds with the start of the MSA key ceremony, a date that ERCA does not know, after MSA Policy approval and before the first ERCA issuance for the MSA.

* The MSA audit report will specify (a posteriori) the start of the MSA key ceremony.

* An audit report has to be sent by each MSA, independently of the fact that they are sharing some common services or infrastuctures.

* The audit report requested by ERCA is different from the report that an MSA would receive from an external company. ERCA does not need to receive the detail of all audit control activities.

* If all MSA obligations have been fulfilled correctly, the MSA audit report is short, basically stating that (a) an audit has been performed,(b) the scope of the audit (what system, when it started to be operational) and (c) no breach of obligations have taken place during operation.

* In case of breach, the MSA has also to include "... any corrective actions, including an implementation schedule." In the following tables is reported the reception of these audit reports for the E.C. Member States and in the second one, for the AETR Member States.

EU Countries Audit Report Status

M.S.A. Last Report Previous Reports
Austria_flag Austria 11/2023 11/2021 12/2019 12/2018 02/2016 02/2014 02/2012
Belgium_flag Belgium 10/2021 07/2018 07/2016 10/2014 09/2012 07/2010 01/2009
Bulgaria_flag Bulgaria 10/2023 10/2021 05/2015 06/2013 09/2011 08/2009
Croatia_flag Croatia 06/2021 06/2012
Cyprus_flag Cyprus 11/2022 04/2017 05/2015 04/2013 06/2011 01/2009
Czech Republic_flag Czech Republic 03/2024 04/2012 06/2009
Denmark_flag Denmark 06/2012 11/2009 10/2007
Estonia_flag Estonia 07/2021 08/2012 08/2010 01/2009 11/2006
Finland_flag Finland 03/2023 03/2018 11/2015 12/2013 06/2010 11/2009 06/2008
France_flag France 11/2020 08/2014 10/2012
12/2009 07/2007 05/2006
Germany_flag Germany 01/2024 03/2023 03/2022 02/2021 12/2018 02/2016
Greece_flag Greece 05/2024 03/2022 09/2016 07/2012
Hungary_flag Hungary 04/2023 06/2019 09/2017
09/2015 09/2013 05/2012 03/2009
Ireland_flag Ireland 03/2023 05/2021 12/2018 06/2010 07/2008
Italy_flag Italy 04/2021 04/2013 05/2011 05/2009 06/2007
Latvia_flag Latvia 11/2016 05/2014 07/2012 04/2011 04/2009 04/2008 12/2006
Lithuania_flag Lithuania 12/2016 06/2014 10/2012 07/2010 01/2009 03/2008 12/2006
Luxembourg_flag Luxembourg 04/2021 07/2013 08/2007
Malta_flag Malta 11/2020 02/2008
Netherlands_flag Netherlands 09/2023 08/2009 05/2007
Poland_flag Poland 12/2013 01/2012 02/2008
Portugal_flag Portugal 02/2010
Romania_flag Romania 05/2012 04/2009
Slovakia_flag Slovakia 08/2017 05/2012 10/2008 05/2007
Slovenia_flag Slovenia 01/2021 12/2019 03/2016 05/2014 04/2011 10/2010 08/2009
Spain_flag Spain 07/2022 03/2017 02/2015 02/2013 03/2011 12/2008 01/2007
Sweden_flag Sweden 09/2023 12/2021 06/2019 03/2017
04/2014 07/2012 06/2010

Non EU Countries Audit Report Status

S.A. Last Report Previous Reports
Albania_flag Albania
Andorra_flag Andorra
Armenia_flag Armenia
Azerbaijan_flag Azerbaijan 10/2015 12/2012
Belarus_flag Belarus 03/2022 02/2018 01/2014 01/2012
Bosnia Herzegovina_flag Bosnia Herzegovina
Georgia_flag Georgia 11/2023
Iceland_flag Iceland 06/2015 02/2014 05/2012 02/2011 04/2010
Kazakhstan_flag Kazakhstan
Kyrgyz Republic_flag Kyrgyz Republic
Liechtenstein_flag Liechtenstein 02/2024 02/2021 01/2017 01/2015 01/2013 01/2011
Moldova_flag Moldova 02/2024 08/2016 09/2014 09/2012
Monaco_flag Monaco 11/2012
Montenegro_flag Montenegro
North Macedonia_flag North Macedonia
Norway_flag Norway 05/2012 04/2011 11/2008
Russia_flag Russia 11/2016 04/2014 05/2012
San Marino_flag San Marino
Serbia_flag Serbia
Switzerland_flag Switzerland 02/2024 02/2021 09/2016 09/2014 09/2012 09/2010 08/2008
Tajikistan_flag Tajikistan
Turkey_flag Türkiye 12/2023 09/2011
Turkmenistan_flag Turkmenistan
Ukraine_flag Ukraine 07/2021 05/2019 06/2017 06/2015 06/2013 06/2011
United Kingdom_flag United Kingdom 11/2022 12/2020 11/2018 10/2016 10/2015 12/2013 09/2011
Uzbekistan_flag Uzbekistan