ERCA documentation ST
Click on the following document to be downloaded:
Smart Tachograph - European Root Certificate Policy and Symmetric Key Infrastructure Policy v1.0 - [PDF-1.35MB] - Updated by 14/06/2018
ERCA Gen2(1) Root Certificate - [ZIP - 1 KB]
Organisation of ERCA signing sessions during COVID-19 restrictions (version 2) - [PDF - 225 KB]
Click on the following document to be downloaded:
Smart Tachograph sample set of keys and certificates v1.2 - [PDF-1.2MB] - Updated by 12/04/2017
Samples Keys for Smart Tachograph v1.4 - [ZIP-140KB] - Updated by 13/06/2017
Organisation of ERCA signing sessions during COVID-19 restrictions (version 2) - [PDF - 225 KB]