The manufacturer code is the code identifying a manufacturer of type-approved equipment.
The Laboratoy competent for Interoperabilty tests maintains and publishes the list of manufacturer codes on its web site.
NB. The requested manufacturer code will be inserted as soon we have received a copy of the corresponding type approval certificate.
Assignment | Value | Date |
Actia S.A. | 10h | 30/06/2003 |
Security Printing and Systems Ltd. | 11h | 01/03/2004 |
Austria Card Plastikkarten und Ausweissysteme GmbH (formerly Austria Card) | 12h | 30/07/2004 |
Agencija za komercijalnu djelatnost d.o.o (AKD) | 13h | 31/03/2006 |
ALIK Automotive GmbH | 14h | 18/02/2021 |
ASELSAN | 15h | 23/02/2016 |
Asia Tacho Kart LLC | 16h | 19/06/2024 |
Real Casa de la Moneda | 17h | 16/10/2014 |
BARBÉ S.R.L. | 18h | 05/03/2013 |
BogArt Sp. z o.o. | 19h | 26/02/2019 |
CETIS d.d. | 20h | 28/03/2006 |
certSIGN | 21h | 14/05/2007 |
RUE Cryptotech | 22h | 09/12/2010 |
Centr Modernizatcii Transporta OOO (CMT - LLC) | 23h | 30/05/2016 |
Pars Ar-Ge Ltd | 24h | 14/12/2015 |
Cardplus Sverige AB | 25h | 08/10/2020 |
Datakom | 28h | 03/04/2017 |
DVLA | 29h | 09/11/2012 |
IDEMIA The Netherlands BV (formerly Morpho BV - Sdu Identification B.V. - Enschedé/Sdu B.V.) | 30h | 03/07/2003 |
EFKON AG | 32h | 23/06/2006 |
Eurocard LLC | 35h | 29/04/2020 |
Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre | 38h | 04/02/2004 |
First Print Yard | 39h | 30/05/2016 |
Giesecke & Devrient GmbH | 40h | 30/06/2004 |
Giesecke & Devrient GB Ltd. | 43h | 22/09/2005 |
Giesecke & Devrient sa/nv | 44h | 08/10/2008 |
GrafoCARD | 45h | 05/01/2012 |
Hungarian Banknote Printing Co. Ltd. (formerly PJRT) | 48h | 05/10/2006 |
Haug GmbH | 49h | 15/01/2020 |
Hegard Sp. z o.o. | 4Ah | 24/03/2021 |
Imprimerie Nationale | 50h | 11/07/2003 |
Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, SA | 51h | 25/05/2004 |
InfoCamere S.C.p.A | 52h | 18/10/2004 |
Intellic Germany GmbH - ZF Group CVS (formerly Intellic GmbH) | 53h | 01/12/2011 |
Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) | 60h | 14/03/2019 |
KazTACHOnet LLP | 61h | 05/07/2017 |
LESIKAR a.s. | 68h | 05/07/2016 |
LEDA-SL | 69h | 15/10/2015 |
NAP automotive Produkte GmbH | 78h | 03/08/2016 |
NATIONAL BANK OF SERBIA | 79h | 17/11/2018 |
Morpho e-documents (formerly Sagem Orga - ORGA Kartensysteme GmbH) | 81h | 02/09/2003 |
ORGA Zelenograd ZAO | 82h | 13/07/2010 |
ORGA Kartensysteme GmbH | 84h | 02/03/2004 |
Asseco - Central Europe a.s. (formerly PVT a.s.) | 88h | 08/10/2008 |
Polska Wytwórnia Papierów Wartosciowych S.A. - PWPW S.A. | 89h | 15/04/2010 |
Papiery Powlekane Pasaco Sp. z o.o. | 8Ah | 25/03/2013 |
TahoNetSoft | 98h | 10/02/2017 |
Continental Automotive Technologies (formerly GmbH Continental Automotive GmbH - Siemens AG - Siemens VDO Automotive - Siemens Automotive) | A1h | 04/07/2008 |
Stoneridge Electronics AB | A2h | 30/06/2005 |
Thales (formerly Gemalto, Schlumberger SEMA, Axalto) | A3h | 30/06/2006 |
3M Security Printing and Systems Ltd. | A4h | 18/12/2002 |
STMicroelectronics - Incard Division | A5h | 06/03/2012 |
STÁTNÍ TISKÁRNA CENIN, státní podnik | A6h | 05/02/2014 |
T-Systems International GmbH | ABh | 02/09/2003 |
Thales DIS Schweiz AG (formerly Gemalto AG, Trüb AG) | ACh | 31/07/2015 |
Trüb Baltic AS | ADh | 04/03/2005 |
TEMPEST a.s. | AEh | 16/02/2006 |
Trueb - DEMAX PLC | AFh | 21/06/2007 |
TAYROL LIMITED | B0h | 10/06/2013 |
Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey - TOBB | D8h | 07/09/2010 |
Turker Roll Paper Trade | E0h | 27/04/2017 |