Manufacturer Codes

List of the assigned codes

The manufacturer code is the code identifying a manufacturer of type-approved equipment.

The Laboratoy competent for Interoperabilty tests maintains and publishes the list of manufacturer codes on its web site.



NB. The requested manufacturer code will be inserted as soon we have received a copy of the corresponding type approval certificate.

List of Manufacturer Codes

Assignment Value Date
Actia S.A. 10h 30/06/2003
Security Printing and Systems Ltd. 11h 01/03/2004
Austria Card Plastikkarten und Ausweissysteme GmbH (formerly Austria Card) 12h 30/07/2004
Agencija za komercijalnu djelatnost d.o.o (AKD) 13h 31/03/2006
ALIK Automotive GmbH 14h 18/02/2021
ASELSAN 15h 23/02/2016
Asia Tacho Kart LLC 16h 19/06/2024
Real Casa de la Moneda 17h 16/10/2014
BARBÉ S.R.L. 18h 05/03/2013
BogArt Sp. z o.o. 19h 26/02/2019
CETIS d.d. 20h 28/03/2006
certSIGN 21h 14/05/2007
RUE Cryptotech 22h 09/12/2010
Centr Modernizatcii Transporta OOO (CMT - LLC) 23h 30/05/2016
Pars Ar-Ge Ltd 24h 14/12/2015
Cardplus Sverige AB 25h 08/10/2020
Datakom 28h 03/04/2017
DVLA 29h 09/11/2012
IDEMIA The Netherlands BV (formerly Morpho BV - Sdu Identification B.V. - Enschedé/Sdu B.V.) 30h 03/07/2003
EFKON AG 32h 23/06/2006
Eurocard LLC 35h 29/04/2020
Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre 38h 04/02/2004
First Print Yard 39h 30/05/2016
Giesecke & Devrient GmbH 40h 30/06/2004
Giesecke & Devrient GB Ltd. 43h 22/09/2005
Giesecke & Devrient sa/nv 44h 08/10/2008
GrafoCARD 45h 05/01/2012
Hungarian Banknote Printing Co. Ltd. (formerly PJRT) 48h 05/10/2006
Haug GmbH 49h 15/01/2020
Hegard Sp. z o.o. 4Ah 24/03/2021
Imprimerie Nationale 50h 11/07/2003
Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, SA 51h 25/05/2004
InfoCamere S.C.p.A 52h 18/10/2004
Intellic Germany GmbH - ZF Group CVS (formerly Intellic GmbH) 53h 01/12/2011
Kraftfahrt-Bundesamt (KBA) 60h 14/03/2019
KazTACHOnet LLP 61h 05/07/2017
LESIKAR a.s. 68h 05/07/2016
LEDA-SL 69h 15/10/2015
NAP automotive Produkte GmbH 78h 03/08/2016
Morpho e-documents (formerly Sagem Orga - ORGA Kartensysteme GmbH) 81h 02/09/2003
ORGA Zelenograd ZAO 82h 13/07/2010
ORGA Kartensysteme GmbH 84h 02/03/2004
Asseco - Central Europe a.s. (formerly PVT a.s.) 88h 08/10/2008
Polska Wytwórnia Papierów Wartosciowych S.A. - PWPW S.A. 89h 15/04/2010
Papiery Powlekane Pasaco Sp. z o.o. 8Ah 25/03/2013
TahoNetSoft 98h 10/02/2017
Continental Automotive Technologies (formerly GmbH Continental Automotive GmbH - Siemens AG - Siemens VDO Automotive - Siemens Automotive) A1h 04/07/2008
Stoneridge Electronics AB A2h 30/06/2005
Thales (formerly Gemalto, Schlumberger SEMA, Axalto) A3h 30/06/2006
3M Security Printing and Systems Ltd. A4h 18/12/2002
STMicroelectronics - Incard Division A5h 06/03/2012
STÁTNÍ TISKÁRNA CENIN, státní podnik A6h 05/02/2014
T-Systems International GmbH ABh 02/09/2003
Thales DIS Schweiz AG (formerly Gemalto AG, Trüb AG) ACh 31/07/2015
Trüb Baltic AS ADh 04/03/2005
TEMPEST a.s. AEh 16/02/2006
Trueb - DEMAX PLC AFh 21/06/2007
TAYROL LIMITED B0h 10/06/2013
Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey - TOBB D8h 07/09/2010
Turker Roll Paper Trade E0h 27/04/2017