Vehicle Unit Status

Summary of approved Recording Equipment

According the requirements 289 of the regulation EU 1360/2002 and requirement 453 of the regulation EU 799/2016, a copy of the Type Approval Certificate has to be transmitted to the Digital Tachograph Laboratory (

Requirements 286 (AnnexIB) / 449 (AnnexIC): The interoperability certificate is valid for six months.
It is revoked at the end of this period if the manufacturer has not received a corresponding type approval certificate.
It is forwarded by the manufacturer to the type approval authority of the Member State who has delivered the functional certificate.


AnnexIB AnnexIC AnnexICv2

Requirements 289 (AnnexIB) / 453 (AnnexIC): The type approval certificate shall be copied by the type approval authority to the laboratory in charge of the interoperability tests at the time of deliverance to the manufacturer.

Requirements 290 (AnnexIB) / 454 (AnnexIC): The laboratory competent for interoperability tests shall run a public web site on which will be updated the list of recording equipment or tachograph cards models:
-for which a request for interoperability tests has been registered,
-having received an interoperability certificate, even provisional,
-having received a type approval certificate.

Requirements 291 (AnnexIB) / 455 (AnnexIC): Until four months after a first couple of recording equipment and tachograph cards (driver, workshop, control and company cards) have been certified to be interoperable, any interoperability certificate delivered (including this very first one), regarding requests registered during this period, shall be considered provisional.

Recording Equipment Certificates


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
Continental Automotive Technologies GmbH DTCO 1381 4.1a
Configurable as
Transitional VU or
VU with full OSNMA functionality
SW release 04.01.36
JRC_DTLab/A1-177/2025 27/01/2025 27/07/2025 Type-approval granted to SW Release 04.01.40, see Other Certificates S


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
Stoneridge Electronics AB SE5000-8.1 Revision A
Transitional VU
SW release: 1014
JRC_DTLab/A2-162/2023 11/08/2023 11/02/2024 Type-approval granted to Revisions B, C, D and E, see Other Certificates T
Continental Automotive Technologies GmbH DTCO 1381 4.1
Transitional VU
SW release 04.01.26
JRC_DTLab/A1-161/2023 26/05/2023 26/11/2023 e1-84-08 S


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
ASELSAN STC-8255 v1.0 JRC_DTLab/15-146/2021 18/10/2021 18/04/2022 e37-0008 G
Stoneridge Electronics AB SE5000-8 Version G JRC_DTLab/A2-143/2021 26/04/2021 26/10/2021 e5-0002-06 Q
Continental Automotive GmbH DTCO 1381 4.0e JRC_DTLab/A1-139/2021 13/01/2021 13/07/2021 e1-84-04 P


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
Intellic GmbH EFAS 4.10 v5.00 JRC_DTLab/53-134/2019 v2 01/10/2019 01/04/2020 e1-222-00 R
Stoneridge Electronics AB SE5000-8 Revision A JRC_DTLab/A2-120/2019 05/04/2019 05/10/2019 e5-0002-00 Q


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
Continental Automotive GmbH DTCO 1381 4.0 JRC_DTLab/A1-119/2018 18/12/2018 18/06/2019 e1-84-00 P
Intellic GmbH EFAS-4.8 V03.50 JRC_DTLab/32-115/2018 21/08/2018 21/02/2019 E
ASELSAN STC-8250A v1.1 JRC_DTLab/15-114/2018 20/08/2018 20/02/2019 e37-0007 G


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
Continental Automotive GmbH DTCO 1381 Release 3.0 JRC_DTC/A1-112/2017 24/10/2017 24/04/2018 e1-84-24 B
Intellic GmbH EFAS 4.5 Version 03 JRC_DTC/32-113/2017 v2 09/08/2017 09/02/2018 E


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
ASELSAN STC 8250 Version 1 JRC_DTC/15-104/2016 15/11/2016 15/05/2017 e37-0005 G
Pars Ar-Ge Ltd DT-101 Version 1.1 JRC_DTC/24-105/2016 04/10/2016 04/04/2017 e37-0004 F


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
Stoneridge Electronics AB SE5000 Revision 7.6 JRC_DTC/A2-095/2015 01/09/2015 01/03/2016 e5-0002 D
Continental Automotive GmbH DTCO 1381 Release 2.2 JRC_DTC/A1-091/2015 12/05/2015 12/11/2015 e1_84_20 B


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
Stoneridge Electronics AB SE5000 Revision 7.5 JRC_DTC/A2-086/2014 28/03/2014 28/09/2014 e5-0002 D


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
Continental Automotive GmbH DTCO 1381 Release 2.1 JRC_DTC/A1-080/2013 08/07/2013 08/01/2014 e1_84_19 B


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
Continental Automotive GmbH DTCO 1381 Release 2.0 JRC_DTC/A1-075 20/06/2012 20/12/2012 e1_84_14 B
Stoneridge Electronics AB SE5000 Revision 7.4 P5HH JRC_DTC/A2-049/073-MA02/2012 22/03/2012 22/09/2012 e5-0002 D
Intellic GmbH EFAS-4 Version 02 JRC_DTC/53-065 13/01/2012 13/07/2012 e1_222 E


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
Continental Automotive GmbH DTCO 1381 Release 1.4 JRC_DTC/A1-063 18/04/2011 18/10/2011 e1_84_11 B
Stoneridge Electronics AB SE5000 Revision 7.3 JRC_DTC/A2-049/061-MA01/2011 04/04/2011 04/10/2011 e5-0002 D


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
Stoneridge Electronics AB SE5000 Revision 7.1 JRC_DTC/A2_049 20/05/2009 20/11/2009 e5-0002 D
Continental Automotive GmbH DTCO 1381 Release 1.3a JRC_DTC/A1-048 02/04/2009 02/10/2009 e1_84_09 B
Stoneridge Electronics AB SE5000 Revision 7.0 JRC_DTC/A2_046 16/01/2009 16/07/2009 e5-0002 D


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
Continental Automotive GmbH DTCO 1381 Release 1.3 JRC_DTC/A1-044 25/11/2008 25/05/2009 e1_84_08 B
Intellic GmbH EFAS-3 Version 01.01 JRC_DTC/32-041 23/07/2008 23/01/2009 e1_200 E


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
Continental Automotive GmbH DTCO 1381 Release 1.2a JRC_DTC/A1-036 27/07/2007 27/01/2008 e1_84_04 B


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
Continental Automotive GmbH DTCO 1381 Release 1.2 JRC/027/DTC 04/07/2006 04/01/2007 e1_84_03 B


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
Stoneridge Electronics AB SE5000 Revision 0.4 JRC/025/DTC 16/12/2005 16/06/2006 e5-0002 D
Continental Automotive GmbH DTCO 1381 Release 1.0a JRC/022/DTC 30/11/2005 30/05/2006 e1_84_02 B
Stoneridge Electronics AB SE5000 Revision 0.2 JRC/017/DTC 14/07/2005 14/01/2006 e5-0002 D
Continental Automotive GmbH DTCO 1381 Release 1.0 JRC/014/DTC 27/05/2005 27/11/2005 e1_84_01 B
Stoneridge Electronics AB SE5000 P.N. 900208 JRC/011/DTC 05/04/2005 05/10/2005 e5-0002 D
Actia S.A. SMARTACH STD - Toutes Options - Light 1 - Light 2 JRC/009/DTC 03/02/2005 03/08/2005 e2_25 - extension 1 - extension 2 C


Brand Model Version IOT Certificate Date End of Validity Type Approval ID Annex
Continental Automotive GmbH DTCO 1381 -- JRC/008/DTC 08/10/2004 08/04/2005 e1_84_00 B
Actia S.A. L2000 Digital Tachograph P104194-100 JRC/001/DTC 01/06/2004 01/12/2004 e2_22 A